Friday, July 30, 2010


Here is my experience. This is how I came to be spiritually inclined.

I drank some potent bhaang, earlier this year. Now what bhaang does to you is, it allows you to focus your mental faculties on a particular thing. And it is very difficult to un-focus your mind then. I just happened to just notice that my brain was behaving in the most wonderful fashion. It was drawing connections all over my mind. Every incident of my mind was seemingly getting connected to some other incident, all in random fashion. It was superb. So I just began exploring the working of the mind. In the end I arrived at the conclusion that my mind was the creator of this world. My mind was everything. Nothing else existed or mattered.

All that may sound like some drug induced madness, but I remember clearly deducing everything. Each step was a logical step after the last one. It seemed maddening and wonderful at the same time.

I happened to come across a text on Vipassana meditation then, which was again based on the mind-body connection and the power of the mind over everything else. It was very interesting.

During the Landmark Forum, and the advanced course I realized how powerful the mind is. It builds a prison, lives in it, and then laments that is has been imprisoned. It is wonderful how it works. Is it the avoidance of mind exercise that leads us in that direction? It is my guess. The mind is so afraid of the labor of thinking excessively, that is simply makes up a world of it's own. It alters the reality for itself, gives reasons and meanings in everything, and then lives in it without exercise, fat and comfortable.

From Revolver:

“You do all the hard work, and I just help you along. The art is for me to feed pieces to you and let you believe you took those pieces because you are smarter and I am dumber. In every game and con there is always an opponent and a victim. The more control a victim thinks he has, the less he actually has. Gradually he will hang himself. I as the opponent just help him along.”

“the formula has infinite depth in its efficacy and application. But it is staggeringly simple and completely consistent. Rule one of any game or con, you can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent. The more sophisticated the game, the more sophisticated the opponent. If the opponent is very good, he will place his victim inside an environment he can control. The bigger the environment, the easier the control. Toss the dog a bone, find their weakness, give them just a little of what they think they want. So the opponent simply distracts the victim by getting them consumed with their own consumption. The bigger the trick, and older the trick, the easier it is to pull. They think it cant be that old, and it can’t be that big, for so many people to have fallen for it. Eventually, when the opponent is challenged or questioned, it means the victim's investment and thus his intelligence is questioned. No-one can accept that. Not even to themselves. You’ll always find a very good opponent in the last place you would ever look.”

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