Monday, August 9, 2010

The real deal

I read on the internet at a lot of places that in Landmark education, they always tell you that the real deal is the next course. Before the Forum, I thought that that was a wonderful marketing technique. Show them the cherry and convince them that there is a cherry farm if you come along.

The problem is not that they are showing you the cherry and promising you the cherry farm. The problem is that you don't believe that there can be a cherry farm. This thing is we all are programmed to search for the 'catch'. That is how we feel intelligent. We will take so many decisions after knowing what the catch is. But any decision without knowing the catch comes across as walking into a trap. We have been programmed to not to accept the things the way they are. There has to be a meaning attached to it. So what do you do if you don't find the catch? You think that this is such a well laid trap that the catch is not apparent. But the thing is that there could be things which are what they are, without any catch. Yet that is unacceptable in your reality.

Our relationship with money is also screwed. We think that best things in life are free. We really believe in that. So everything that costs money is not that good. The mere fact that someone is earning money and promising you good out of it is unacceptable to us. Hence, you will find people criticizing Landmark only on account of the kind of money they are making. Yet, if the same thing is done under a guise of free education, supported by advertising or something like that, we would have no problems. Then we would not like to check as to how much money is coming from advertising and grants and all that. Now it comes across as a corporation charging money for doing good. And Corporations for us mean profit making machines. We consider profit as a bad thing too. How can someone have good intentions if they want to make profit, isn't it? Hence all the non-profit organizations of the world are the best, including organizations founded in religion. Yeah?

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